Casino Watch: Huge Wins at Jurassic Giants Online Casino There has been a ton of great news for Jurassic Giants Casino lately! Players have been winning huge payouts left and right, and we wanted to take a closer look at just how much money has been won. Some of the biggest payouts so far include: $1,682,857 won on a single spin on the Jurassic Giants slot machine! won on a single spin on the Jurassic Giants slot machine! $206,711 won playing Gonzo's Quest slot won playing Gonzo's Quest slot $203,023 won playing Starburst slot That's just a small sampling of the huge payouts that have gone to players recently. It's clear that there is some serious money to be won at this casino, so if you're looking to hit it big, this is definitely the place to do it! Jurassic Giants Slotgaming is a Hit! Slotgaming is a big hit with Jurassic Giants. This new game from developers Microgaming definitely captures the imagination, taking players on an adventure back in ...